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Donald Trump Picked Terry Branstad U.S. Ambassador to China

The Governor of Lowa, Terry Branstad, has a good relationship with Chinese Leader since 1985.

Dec 08, 2016 01:41 AM EST

69 Percent Respondents : Trump Needs To Make A Decision of Being A President or A Businessman

The US President-elect, Donald Trump, has promised to hand out of his business empires to his children before get sworn as the president next month. Some politicians stated that Trump's words just to avoid potential conflicts of interest.

Dec 07, 2016 09:57 AM EST

Is Donald Trump helping China and Mexico come together?

As President-Elect Trump continues to target both China and Mexico, those two countries could find it a great opportunity to come together

Dec 07, 2016 03:21 AM EST

Donald Trump Declared to Against Hatred and Bigotry

" More than 900 incidents of hate crimes happened after Donald Trump won in a president election", According to Michigan's State Civil Rights Panel

Dec 07, 2016 03:11 AM EST

Trump Canceled $4 Billion Air Force One Program

The US President-elect, Donald Trump, canceled new jet Air Force Project as taking fund of $4 billion

Dec 07, 2016 03:11 AM EST

Trump Sold His Holding Shares In June

"The US President-elect sold his company stocks in June " said a spokesman, Jason Miller. Trump's company well known as one of the world's best corporation, among Walmart, Master Card and Apple.

Dec 07, 2016 03:10 AM EST

Donald Trump to Review Dakota Pipeline

The US President-elect, Donald Trump, will make a review of Dakota Access Pipeline to reject a project permission in January 2017.

Dec 07, 2016 03:10 AM EST

Donald Trump Once Claimed Currency Manipulation By China

The US President-elect, Donal Trump, Spoke to The President of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, regards to China's displeasure.

Dec 07, 2016 03:10 AM EST

BoE Increases Capital Buffer Ceiling To Facilitate Probable Post Brexit Lending Market

The Financial Policy Committee (FPC) of Bank of England (BoE) has warned on Tuesday about possible financial outlook after Brexit. To tackle the possible lending market debacle, the committee has raised bank’s capital buffer requirement. However, the move has been criticized by the Brexit supporters whenever the referendum poll gets nearer.

Mar 30, 2016 08:05 AM EDT

'Little Ripper', A $200,000 Helicopter Drone That Will Guard Australian Coastlines Against Shark Attack

Australian lifeguards will get a help from 'Little Ripper' to detect shark presence along New South Wales' coastlines with its aerial view using infrared cameras. The project costs $200,000 where Westpac sponsors the trial for the search and rescue operations.

Mar 01, 2016 09:00 AM EST

Danske Bank Cuts Jobs For Adapting With Post Crisis Landscape

Danske Bank has reportedly spent $60 million against its workforce compared with a year earlier. Meanwhile, the bank company has recently achieved an average ‘buy’ rating from most of the analysts. To retain the achievement with further upgrading, the bank has adopted cost cutting measures which include job cuts in 46 positions of mostly the IT portfolio.

Mar 01, 2016 08:57 AM EST

Ren Zhiqiang: Latest Victim of China’s Tougher Cyber Laws: Mulls For Further Toughening

China has been widely criticized for strict cyber laws. On Sunday, the communist government has mulled its legislative power to impose ban on accounts of former Chinese tycoon, Ren Zhiqiang. While around 40 Chinese journalists have been confined in jail as victims of tougher cyber laws, the communist government is going to enact further tougher laws on March 10.

Feb 29, 2016 09:24 AM EST

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