Articles by Charleston Lim

Trump’s empire may come in conflict with his position, no details yet on his plans to remove himself from his organization

A lot of Trump's businesses can be directly affected by several government agencies and policies, which means that a conflict and ethical concerns may soon arrive during his business dealings.

Dec 07, 2016 01:29 AM EST

Taiwan’s reaction remains positive but cautious towards Trump phone call

Despite the positive remarks from Taiwanese publications and social media posts, majority of the reactions have been more on the cautious side given the volatility of Taiwan's situation with China.

Dec 07, 2016 01:01 AM EST

Congressional Republicans not endorsing Trump's heavy tariff threats

House Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, stated that they are not really in favor of imposing heavy taxes on companies who move their jobs overseas.

Dec 06, 2016 10:49 PM EST

New York asks government to reimburse city $35 million in Trump security cost

New York City has now revealed that they are formally asking the federal government to reimburse them for the security expenses they have incurred, and will incur, in providing around the clock security for Trump and his New York home.

Dec 06, 2016 10:13 PM EST

Rush Limbaugh justifies Trump's planned trillion-dollar infrastructure program

Rush Limbaugh's recent rant on his morning radio talk show apparently features him praising president-elect Donald Trump's planned infrastructure program.

Dec 06, 2016 09:23 PM EST

Trump sees growing lead in Wisconsin recount initial results, president-elect calls recount a scam

The latest figures in the multi-million dollar presidential election recount has now been published online, and it seems like the entire effort may have been in vain as the results show President-elect Donald Trump's clear lead over democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Dec 06, 2016 08:02 PM EST

Trump's phone conversation with Taiwan leader sparks China outrage

China is reportedly displeased with the soon-to-be president's actions as it goes against the four-decade long separation and Beijing's strong "One China" policy.

Dec 06, 2016 08:02 PM EST

Trump criticizes another company for planned move to Mexico, threatens others with 'severe consequences'

President-elect Donald Trump recently posted a series of rants on Twitter which further strengthened his stance on putting Americans first by persuading companies to keep their factories within the country.

Dec 06, 2016 08:02 PM EST

Chinese netizens mocks Trump's latest Twitter outburst, claims Trump is 'running the country with Twitter'

Trump's latest online outburst regarding China's monetary policy and South China Sea actions were met with mixed reactions from citizens in both the United States and China.

Dec 06, 2016 08:01 PM EST

Environmentalist hopeful for positive outcome with Al Gore and Trump meeting, Gore meeting with Ivanka to make her climate change rep?

Environmentalist now have a glimmer of hope that President-elect Donald J. Trump may change his stance on climate change after his meeting with former vice president, Al Gore.

Dec 06, 2016 08:01 PM EST

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