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College Tax Time: Unwrapping the Secrets to Bigger Refunds

College Tax Time: Unwrapping the Secrets to Bigger Refunds

While tax experts say it's excellent for college students to start submitting their own forms, parents and students should double check everything carefully before anybody presses the "submit" button.

Apr 11, 2024 09:05 AM EDT


Late Tax Filing 101: What You Need to Know About What Happens if You File Taxes Late

Whether it's due to unforeseen natural disasters - New York City earthquakres, anyone? - or an unexpectedly high balance owed, or simply not having all the necessary documents in order, the reasons for delay vary. But the consequences? They're worth paying attention to.

Apr 10, 2024 02:35 PM EDT

Compare Before You Commit! FCC Mandates Clearer Internet Pricing to Save You Money

Compare Before You Commit! FCC Mandates Clearer Internet Pricing to Save You Money

Thanks to new regulations the Federal Communications Commission approved this week, "broadband labels" for internet packages will soon reveal exactly what goes into the price of your subscription.

Apr 10, 2024 09:16 AM EDT

Budget Like a Boss: Zero-Based Budgeting Explained

Budget Like a Boss: Zero-Based Budgeting Explained

Zero-based budgeting has become a popular spending trend because to the increase in social media users who share their spending patterns.

Apr 11, 2024 03:26 AM EDT

 Essential Tax Tips Every Retiree (and Pre-Retiree) Needs to Know

Essential Tax Tips Every Retiree (and Pre-Retiree) Needs to Know

Retirement planning can be much more complicated than it first appears, and tax experts concur that this is a period when individuals should take extra care to consider all aspects of their finances before making decisions about things like when to start taking Social Security or how much money to withdraw from their 401(k).

Apr 10, 2024 12:32 AM EDT

Unlocking Wealth: Top 5 FinTok Tips You Can't Miss

In the whirlwind world of social media, TikTok has emerged as a powerhouse for bite-sized, viral content. Not just for dance challenges or cooking hacks, TikTok, affectionately dubbed 'FinTok' by the financially savvy, is revolutionizing the way Generation Z approaches money management.

Apr 09, 2024 02:55 PM EDT

Strategies to Buy a Second Home Without a Down Payment

Buying a second home may be an exciting notion for many, whether it is intended as a future retirement house, investment property, or holiday retreat. But for many would-be purchasers, the down payment often needed to acquire their ideal home might be a significant obstacle that keeps them from proceeding.

Apr 09, 2024 12:50 PM EDT

Is Uranium the Next Hot Investment? Your Guide to Fueling Return

The French nuclear fuels business Orano and Canadian uranium miner Denison Mines Corp. announced in late January that they will reopen a uranium mine that has been inactive since 2008.

Apr 09, 2024 11:20 AM EDT

Why Mobile Payments Like Apple Pay Could Be Costing You More

Do you make purchases using Apple Pay or any other mobile payment service? If this is the case, you could be spending more than you would if you used cash or a real credit card.

Apr 09, 2024 07:36 AM EDT

Amazon Scams on the Rise: How to Protect Yourself as a Seller 

Amazon makes returning items so simple that some customers are abusing the rules and defrauding vendors.

Apr 09, 2024 07:05 AM EDT

U.S. Job Market Hits a High Note: Economists Celebrate a 'Sweet Spot'

In an era where the pulse of the economy is closely monitored, the latest reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics have given us something to sing about. With a whopping 303,000 jobs added in March-the most significant gain in over a year-and the unemployment rate dipping to 3.8%, it's clear that the U.S. job market is not just rebounding; it's thriving.

Apr 08, 2024 02:25 PM EDT

Biden's New Move: Up to $20,000 in Student Loan Interest Wiped Clean

The announcement of a new plan aiming to erase up to $20,000 in interest for countless borrowers has set the stage for what could be a significant shift in the financial futures of many. This move, part of Biden's broader strategy to tackle the student debt crisis, promises to "cancel runaway interest" on loans, potentially benefiting up to 25 million individuals.

Apr 08, 2024 01:28 PM EDT

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