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Top iron ore shipper forecasts 19% drop in 2016

Australia's Department of Industry & Science has lowered price forecast on iron ore for 2016 to $41.30 a metric ton from $51.20. Iron ore is the largest export earner for Australia, The export revenues fell 43 percent in 2015. The oversupply and slump in Chinese commodities market are keeping more pressure on iron ore prices.

Dec 22, 2015 09:37 PM EST

Want an Alternative to the Traditional Utility? Look at Tanzania.

The future alternative to the traditional electric utility may emerge first in The East African nation Tanzania. This nation has developed the best system of regulating and spurring off-grid power systems anywhere in the world, according to the annual Climatescope study into energy investment trends in developing nations by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

Dec 22, 2015 07:55 AM EST

Qatar National Bank announced to buy Turkey's Finansbank for $2.95 Billion

Qatar National Bank signed an agreement with the National Bank of Greece to buy 99.81 percent stake in Turkey's Finansbank for 2.7 billion euros. Previously in 2006, National Bank of Greece purchased Finansbank worth $5 billion, which was Turkey's biggest-ever banking deal. The closing of the transaction was approved by the board of directors of both banks and the General Council of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund.

Dec 24, 2015 05:31 AM EST

Fake explosive device forces Air France flight to make emergency landing in Kenya

A fake explosive was found on an Air France plane en route from Mauritius to Paris, forcing it to make an emergency landing in Kenya.

Dec 22, 2015 02:00 AM EST

United Airlines' dog therapy to ease travel stress

In addition to cookies, good coffee and other refreshments, United Airlines is offering an innovative service to its passengers to deal with stress. The airline is keeping trained dogs at seven major airports for its passengers to spend waiting time. Research shows that dogs help people getting out of the stress.

Dec 22, 2015 09:53 AM EST

Russia will continue to develop nuclear weapons; but will not use them

Russia will produce more nuclear weapons but promises not to use them.

Dec 22, 2015 01:38 AM EST

Ninebot One to solve personal transport system woes

Tianjin-based Tech Company Ninebot Inc plans to solve car park problems in big cities in China through its two-wheel self-balancing equipment.

Dec 22, 2015 01:41 AM EST

Kuwait Airways cancels New York-London Flight to avoid serving Israelis

Kuwait Airways ditched its New York-to-London flights to avoid doing business with Israeli passengers since their country prohibits them from doing business with the Jewish state.

Dec 21, 2015 11:30 PM EST

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