News Nov 17, 2015 05:46 AM EST

The Republic of Uzupis: A new adventure at Vilnius Lithuania for the Bohemian heart

By Staff Writer

The Republic of Uzupis may be an unbelievable micro-nation for some, but its constitution is surely official. The place has its community of artists and free spirits, that's why a lot of travelers are discovering Uzupis as a bohemian site for hangout and stay while they are in Lithuania.

According to Atlas Obscura, Uzupis is a self-declared, largely unrecognized, independent republic within the boundaries of Lithuania. It has been declared a micro-nation by residents on April 1, 1997, with its population of 7,000.

They also elected their president and cabinet of ministers. Uzupis also has their national anthem that has been composed and a constitution authored. Their currency has also been created and circulated all over the micro-nation. They have four flags, actually, one for each season and an army has been mobilized all throughout the nation, with 11 troops in all. The nation's Independence Day is called "Uzupis Day" and it takes place every April 1st.

Uzupis, as its name suggests, actually means "on the other side of the river". Uzupis looks a village within a city at first, but a corner of stillness and individualism is in the city, even though tragic events happened on the Twentieth century that lead into the community's vitality and creativity.

Frank Zappa became the symbol of the end of communism in Uzupis. Although the authorities initially opposed the idea of Zappa for the statue, seemingly somebody managed to convince them that Zappa was actually Jewish, and given the importance of Jewish culture and history in the city of Vilnius. And at the time, Uzupis became the home to artists, students, creative- minded people and  Frank Zappa fans, as claimed by The Crowded Planet.

Currently, Uzupis is recognized by locals and guests as Vilnius's bohemian heart. A lot of people are now heading to the micro-nation for its quirky cafes and sculptures like the Angel of Vilnius, its amazing street art and the city's artistic community.

Uzupis also has a constitution, posted on the wall in Paupio street. It has thirty-odd languages, including Hebrew and Tibetan. As mentioned in the Telegraph UK, the one-home republic is found in the bohemian Uzupis district of Vilnius, Lithuania. Its own constitution with articles saying "A dog has the right to be a dog" and "People have the right to live by the River Vilnelė, while the River Vilnelė has the right to flow past people," as well as "Man has the right to individuality".

For now, although some people may not fully recognize the micro-nation in Luthiania. However, travelers who are also fans of Frank Zappa, are actually heading to Uzupis. At present, it still maintains its Bohemian vibe which makes travelers in fall love the micro-nation.

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