Personal Finance

How Job Seekers Can Make the Most of Job Search Websites

Employment rate in the US has remained at a steady 94.9% for several months now, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with more people currently shifting towards the use of employment websites in addition to other conventional job hunting methods.

The Internet has opened more doors to job seekers who are looking to land jobs with their target salary range and work responsibilities, and companies are able to fill in vacant positions at a much more efficient pace as compared to the pre-Internet years.

As Forbes states in an article, a large number of job seekers have been ineffective in their use of job search websites, which is partly due to the amount of time they spend "combing through listings, trying endless search filters and sending their resumes into black holes."

The author advises that job seekers implement certain methods to make the process easier (and faster).

Employment sites such as are a good place to start. They have over a million job listings which are drawn from newspaper ads, company websites, and other popular job boards. Their search system allows for very refined search results, from work atmospheres to salary ranges.

Another method job seekers should be using to save on time would be to subscribe to alerts provided by employment websites that deliver new postings directly to your email account as companies are more likely to take a job seeker seriously if they were prompt in responding to job postings.

When constructing a cover letter, mimicking the language used in job descriptions gives applicants an edge over the competition. All About shares all about what 'buzz words' are and how you can use them in your application letter to emphasize achievements and skills in a way that appeals to employers.

In a statement made in the article, the writer also adds that, when it comes to buzzwords, "there can be too much of a good thing." Using too many can deter employers and make your application look "unnatural".

As mentioned above, mimicking words the employer uses works to the job seekers advantage, but it must not be done in a way that sounds forced and insincere. 

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