Trump's Famous Red Diet Coke Button Returns To Oval Office Desk - What Else Is Inside

The Diet Coke button returns! It was not only President Donald Trump who returned to the Oval Office at the White House, but the famous button found on his desk during his term is back as well.
The button gained fame after it was revealed by Trump himself in 2017 that he uses it to summon sodas during his term. The famous, red-colored button is hidden inside a wooden box, and made to look like a part of the wooden table itself.
The Wall Street Journal reported that the little red button was back, following its removal in 2021 when the predecessor of Trump, former president Joe Biden, took office.
Now that it is back at the Oval Office, Trump only needs to press the button and it will inform the butler that the President needs his soda.
According to New York Post, the Oval Office gets a makeover in order to match the preference of the incoming president while the Inauguration Day ceremonies are ongoing. Drapes, rugs, and even statuary are often replaced and made to follow the style and taste of the incoming President.
A recent photo of the Oval Office would show that Trump brought back pretty much of the same look that it had during his first term.
The portraits of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin are prominently displayed in the office. The painting of the first president could be seen hanging over the fireplace.
Aside from the two former historic presidents, one could also find the painting of the founder of The Post and the country's first Treasury secretary, Alexander Hamilton, hanging in the office.
The bust of Winston Churchill also found its way back into the Oval Office, sitting on a table right next to the fireplace, the same spot during his first term.
Martin Luther King's bust seem to be a favorite not only of Trump, but also of former president Joe Biden, since it has remained in the Oval Office.
Another notable returnee is the "The Bronco Buster," a sculpture by artist Frederic Remington. The black sculpture sits right underneath the portrait of Jackson.
In the background, the gold curtains seem to provide an attractive contrasting background color, which certainly complements the central rug. It was Trump who picked the color during his first term, which was later on retained by Biden.
Spotted also were the new silver eagle figures and the items on the coffee table of the Oval Office. During Biden's term, chocolate chip cookies sit on the table, but now, they were replaced with a bouquet of flowers and a prominent-looking gold paperweight.